Research Grants

  1. National Key Research and Development(R&D) Program Project (科技部重点研发计划区块链重点专项),青年科学家项目,2021YFB2700700, 高并发可扩展区块链存储的基础理论与方法研究,300万,2021-12至2023-11,在研,主持
  2. 国家自然科学基金委项目,面上项目 “Research on Underlying Data Storage Methods for Graph-based Blockchain Systems”, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No: 62072197), $560,000, 2021.1-2024.12, PI. 在研,主持
  3. 湖北省新一代人工智能重大专项,省级重大专项,2019AEA171,面向特殊、高危行业的智能可穿戴装备及示范应用“ Research and Implementation on Indoor Localization Technology”, the Technology Innovation Project of Hubei Province of China under Grant (Grant No: 2019AEA171), $2,000,000, 2019.9.1-2022.8.31, PI.在研,课题主持
  4. 广东省重点领域研发计划项目-区块链与金融科技专项 ,省级重点研发计划项目,区块链监管与反欺诈关键技术研究,“Blockchain Transaction Monitoring and Identification”, Key-Area Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province (Grant No: 2020B0101090005), $800,000, 2020.12.1-2023.11.31, PI.在研,课题主持
  5. 湖北省重点研发计划项目:区块链安全监管的智能分析技术,“Intelligent Analysis Technologies for Blockchain Security Supervision”, Key-Area Research and Development Program of Hubei Province (Grant No: 2021BEA164), $1,000,000, 2021.7.1-2023.7.1, PI. 在研,主持
  6. 国家自然科学基金委项目,青年项目,基于无线网络物理层信息的细粒度手势识别方法研究,“Research on Fine-grained Gesture Recognition by Exploiting Wireless Physical Layer Information”, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No: 61702203), $250,000, 2018-2020, PI. 已结题,主持
  7. 2017年英特尔公司产学合作协同育人项目教学内容和课程体系改革的前沿技术分项,“人工智能与场景感知”“Artificial Intelligence and Scene Sensing”, Intel Cooperation, (Grant No. CG38467249), $12,000 USD, 2018-2019, PI. 已结题,主持
  8. 湖北省自然科学基金项目,面上项目,基于迁移学习的无线细粒度手势识别方法研究,“Research on Transfer Learning-based Fine-grained Gesture Recognition”, National Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province,(Grant No: 2018CFB133), $50,000, 2018-2019, PI. 已结题,主持
  9. 2018.01 - 2020.12, HUST University Starup Scientific Research Fund, 150K, PI.已结题,主持
  10. Rainbowfish-funded Project, Blockchain-based Food Traceability, 2018.8.15-2018.10.15, PI.已结题,主持
  11. WeBank-funded Project for Courses Blockchain Technologies and Applications, 60K, 2018.9.24-2018.12.24,PI.已结题,主持